
1 liter / acre through drip or drenching

Available packing:

1lit, 5lit, 20lit

Flora Drip is liquid based organic fertilizer for Drip irrigation. It is complete plant food and made as per Indian Organic Standards. It helps in improving the microflora of the soil thereby facilitating the assimilation of nutrients. It corrects nutrients deficiency and creates stronger plants. It also acts as a chelating agent in soil.

The Organic potassium available in Flora-Drip has an important role in the activation of many growth related enzymes in plants. Flora –Drip also assists in regulation of water in plants (osmo-regulation). Both uptake of water through plant roots and its loss through the stomata are affected by potassium available in Flora-Drip.

One way plant growth is improved is through the structural improvement of both clay and sandy soil allowing for better root growth development. Plant growth is also improved by the ability of the plant to uptake and receive more nutrients. Flora- Drip is especially beneficial in freeing up nutrients in the soil so that they are made available to the plant as needed. Flora-Drip is also especially important because of its ability to chelate micronutrients increasing their bio availability.

Flora Drip is rich source of total organic matter, organic carbon along with plant, animal and mines extracts.

Key Points

  • It provides Organic NPK and essential minerals to plant
  • Excellent in plant root development
  • Promotes white root development
  • It is combination of Plant auxins, amino acids, Seaweed extract along with humic and fulvic acids
  • Helps to increase fruit size and flower setting
  • Increases Immunity of plants and provides better nutrient circulation
  • It also provides micronutrients to plants