
1-2ml / liter of water for foliar spray

Available packing:

500ml , 1lit, 5 lit and 20 lit

Flora-NPK is research based liquid Organic Fertilizer for Foliar Spray. It is complete plant tonic.

Flora-NPK is made as per Indian Organic Standards.

One of the advantages of foliar spray fertilizer is the quick response of the plant to the nutrient application.

The efficiency of nutrient uptake is considered to be 8-9 folds higher when nutrients are applied to the leaves by foliar spray, when compared with nutrients applied to soil.

Therefore, when a deficiency symptom shows up, a quick fix would be applying the deficient nutrient through foliar application

The best time to foliar spray application is early morning or late evening, when the stomata are open. Foliar feeding is not recommended when temperature exceeds 80°F ( 27° C).

Spray volume has a significant effect on the nutrient absorption efficiency. Spray volume must be such that it is sufficient to fully cover the plant canopy, but not too high so it does not run off the leaves.

Key Points

  • It provides Organic Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potassium
  • It is rich in essential minerals & 20 amino acids
  • Improves Vegetative growth, fruits and flower setting
  • Contains various Plant Auxins
  • Contains Humic, fulvic acid and seaweed extracts
  • Made from various Plant, Animal and Mines extract
  • Promotes photosynthesis and nutrient circulation in plants